Murrumburrah Public School

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Getting Involved

Getting Involved with the school community

There are many ways to support our P&C:

  • Make sure you're on the mailing list – email the P&C Secretary at to be added to the P&C mailing list. The school's privacy policy applies to your email address, it will not be shared with any third parties.
  • Help out with P&C events and activities –  help with our major fundraising events such as Mother's and Father's Day Stalls, Facebook Auction or volunteer for our many other events.
  • Come along to meetings - We meet on the second Tuesday of the month, from 6pm to 7pm in the Meeting Room. It's a great way to find out more about what's happening at the school, and be part of the discussions. You don't need to attend all meetings.
  • Like our Facebook Page – Murrumburrah Public School P & C Association


What does the P&C do?

We focus on the following ways of supporting our school:

  • Purchase education ad school equipment, resources and aids
  • Improve our school's facilities and grounds
  • Contribute to the educational processes within our school
  • Run the school uniform shop to provide uniforms for students.


Who can join the P&C?

Parents and carers of children attending Murrumburrah Public School and residents who are interested in the welfare of the school and live within the school district are welcome.


Will being a member take lots of time?

P&C members give as much time as they can. There are no expectations. The important things is that you become involved in some way to improve your child's school's facilities and educational services.

Some members attend P&C meetings, assist with fundraising, help out at working bees or assist at school events such as the Trent Barrett Shield, Athletics and Swimming Carnivals and the Cross Country.

At MPS we are very aware of the range of skill parents and community can bring to our school and actively encourage such involvement.


How can I stay in touch with P&C news?

  • Join our Facebook page
  • Read the weekly school newsletters which can be accessed via the school's website, Facebook page or Seesaw app
  • Make sure that you are on the P&C email list for notification of meetings, the minutes, and information on P&C events


Contact Us

The Secretary

Murrumburrah Public School Parents & Citizens Association

Albury Street, Murrumburrah 2587

Phone 02 63862 209



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